What is a digital nomad Visa?

What are Digital Nomad Visas?


Entrepreneurs and Digital Nomads gather around! Today, in this article I will uncover the best new residency visa you didn’t know existed. Introducing the Digital Nomad Visa, What are digital nomad Visas? good question. Get your reading glasses on, because it’s time to venture beyond borders.

Can you work remotely on a tourist visa?

Venture Beyond Borders: What are Digital Nomad Visas?

Diving in, the simplest way to explain digital nomad visas is, digital nomad visas grant you the legal right to work remotely while living in a foreign country, away from your home country residence. This particular visa allows you to stay longer in a country than what a tourist visa would allow so you don’t have to be worried about overstaying a visa or getting deported. Read our article “Can you work remotely on a Tourist Visa” where we do the pros and cons of using a tourist visa vs a digital nomad visa

white notebook beside blue laptop computer

Live like a local

People commonly search for that “live like a local” experience when they travel. The problem with that is 99% of people don’t stay in one place long enough for them to actually feel what it would be to actually be a local. They are therefore restrained to the life of a tour where they miss out on what it would actually be like to be local.

To actually live like a local we feel it involves having to stay in one place long enough to make actual local friends not just surface-level relationships. People treat you as just another person passing through at first. As an example when you show to the same coffee shop week after week, people begin to separate you from just another tourist passing through. Soon enough people workers will know your name and make your usual drink without even you having to ask. Now apply this to life at a greater scale and that’s what we consider living life as a local.

Having a digital nomad visa will allow you to live in a country longer than just the 2 or 3 months a tourist visa will allow you. The length of a digital nomad visa depends on the country but they range between 6-12 months. giving you plenty of time to become more than just a passing-through tourist.

stylish calm woman sitting at table in cafe

Built for Entrepreneurs

Although the idea of digital nomads originally began with people doing their jobs remotely in 2020-2022, many of these digital nomad visas are geared toward entrepreneurs. People that make money from their own businesses rather than people working jobs for another country. The reason behind this emphasis on entrepreneurs in digital nomad visa programs can be attributed to several factors.

Firstly, entrepreneurs are often seen as drivers of innovation and economic growth. Governments recognize that attracting and supporting entrepreneurs can lead to the creation of new businesses, job opportunities, and increased tax revenue. By providing digital nomad visas to entrepreneurs, countries aim to attract talented individuals who can contribute to their local economies through their business ventures.

Secondly, entrepreneurs have the flexibility to work from anywhere and are not tied to specific employment contracts. They are more likely to have the resources and motivation to set up their own businesses, navigate the complexities of operating in a foreign country, and create opportunities for themselves and others. Digital nomad visas tailored to entrepreneurs allow governments to tap into this pool of self-starters and foster an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, entrepreneurs often bring unique skills, expertise, and perspectives to the countries they visit. They can contribute to local ecosystems by sharing knowledge, collaborating with local businesses, and stimulating economic activity. By attracting entrepreneurial digital nomads, governments hope to create a multiplier effect, where the presence of these individuals can positively influence the local startup ecosystem and inspire others to pursue their own entrepreneurial ambitions.

While digital nomad visas for entrepreneurs are more prevalent, there is a growing recognition of the value of remote workers and employees of foreign companies in this lifestyle. As the concept of remote work gains mainstream acceptance, some countries are expanding their digital nomad visa programs to accommodate individuals who work for international companies while living and travelling abroad.

If you are not yet an entrepreneur or just a remote worker do not let this discourage you. You are seen as just as valuable as entrepreneurs in some countries with digital nomad visas it is not one size fits all.


Now that you’ve grasped the essence of digital nomad visas and the possibilities they offer, it’s time to take that leap into venturing beyond borders. Want to delve deeper into the realm of remote work and visa options? Check out our enlightening article titled “Can you Work Remotely on a Tourist Visa?” for a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons. But why stop there? Take action and book a call with Yonderpreneurs today, where our team of experts stands ready to guide you on your journey beyond borders. Embrace the freedom, embrace the adventure – let your nomadic spirit soar!

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